
Bald Eagles are nearly always found near water, along rivers, lakes, or the sea coast and coastal marshes, reservoirs, and large lakes. Bald Eagles like to live near lakes and rivers because the birds can catch easy prey.

Bald Eagle Map


Distinguishing Features

Bald Eagle heads turn white around four to five years old. The Bald Eagle is called bald because its head is covered with white feathers. A Bald Eagle’s eyes are located on the side of its head, however, they can see four to five times farther than human beings. A bald eagle has a wingspan of 5.9-7.5 feet.



For such a powerful bird, the Bald Eagle makes weak sounding calls.




Bald Eagle  Bald Eagle_2


Bald Eagles predators are raccoons, ravens, and the great horned owl. The sharp hook at the tip of their beak helps them tear up their food. The bald eagle’s talons are used for carrying objects.


Bald Eagle_foot


The Bald Eagle was removed from the federal list of threatened and endangered species. The Bald Eagle is now flourishing across the nation and no longer needs the protection of the Endangered Species Act. A group of Bald Eagle just returned to Onondaga Lake because the water is warm due to the waste treatment plant.



Bald Eagles eat birds, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates such as crabs, and mammals including rabbits and muskrats.

Bald Eagle_feeding

Interesting Facts

Bald Eagles can live up to 40 years. Even though its eyes are on the side of its head the Bald Eagle still has great eyesight. The Eagle steals its food from other birds such as Osprey’s.



By: Josh C., Quinn M., Julianna C., Isabella




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